MAGA – Marriage and the Government

I am going to blow the minds of the left and right here… The Government should not be involved in anyone’s marriage. Yes, you read that right. Marriage should not be regulated by any governmental authority. It’s time to let this term go to its true meaning. Marriage is a social union, a joining of two persons (or more, I guess, your lifestyle choice is none of my business) in front of their friends and family, performed by their choice of overseer (ordained friend, preacher, whatever floats your boat, again, your lifestyle choice is none of my business).

But, but, but… I am sure you are thinking that so many things in life require marriage. No, they don’t. They require a legal contract. And that is where, adults of consenting age can enter into a binding legal contract for all those messy things in life (like sharing health insurance, medical decisions, etc). You take your legal contract between you are your partner (or partners, because again, none of my business) and “register” it with the appropriate governmental office. Guess what? You already do this when you sign your marriage certificate. We are just splitting things, the spiritual from the legal…

Now, with this, it should be perfectly logical that if an entity/business/church/what-have-you, does not want to participate in your social marriage, then you should go find an entity that does and not attempt to force someone to participate in something with which they do not agree or whatever their reason. That is not discrimination. An entity should be able to operate as they see fit, and you should support entities with which your ideals and beliefs align. Scary thought, huh? I don’t agree with the business of Walmart, and can say that I have not shopped there in over 6 years. See how that works?

Compromise and thinking outside the box…

MAGA – Abortion & Child Support

So, now that the election is “over”, it’s a great time to outline beliefs and policies that would be awesome if they existed. Oh, my. I have a LOT of opinions and beliefs that will run the gamut from liberal to conservative…

Let’s start with a hot topic: abortion. But I also lump child support into this. Wait, what?!? What do abortion and child support have in common???

Abortion. I 100% support the right to free access. But, not without consequences. It takes two to tango, but currently only one to end an unborn life. A little one-sided, wouldn’t you say? It should be required for both parties to sign-off. And, please don’t hit me with your but-what-ifs. There are always special cases in everything in life. But, if you claim one of these special circumstances, then the legal system takes over and will be sure to work on bringing your offender to justice (that also keeps ladies honest and only claiming special circumstances when they actually exist). OMG, that isn’t fair! Well, actually it is. Just keeping everyone honest…

But, what if the gentleman won’t sign-off? No problem. Now he is solely responsible for the child once it is born (and responsible for the medical bills accrued through birth). That is his right as half the DNA. The woman just signs off on parental rights. No problem.

Where does child support tie in? If you are married and have children, and later divorce, child support is a no-brainer. But, if you are unmarried, and decide unilaterally as a woman that you will have the child without consulting the father and requesting his desires, you are now solely responsible for upbringing. No more guaranteed child support for unmarried persons. This may sound harsh, sorry not sorry. We, as tax payers, spend tons of money on child support enforcement for people who are irresponsible.

Maybe, if we start holding people personally responsible, we can start to end the cycles and work towards creating a society of productive citizens (and less government)…

So Impressed…

I am impressed by the number of people who have become experts in the field of epidemiology! I had no idea so many people around know what is best for all, and understand this new contagion and how it works.

Yes, I am absolutely taking COVID-19 seriously.  As seriously as I take the yearly flu.  I am reading the reports (on all sides) and doing what is best for me and my family.  Don’t get me wrong, I am naturally a social distancer, so this is easy-peasy.  But my real concerns are not about health (get to that in a minute).

The shaming HAS TO END, and end now!  You are compromised?  Stay home.  Don’t want to infect someone in a high risk category?  You stay home or they stay home.

Your best defenses: wash your damned hands, cough or sneeze into your sleeve/elbow/shirt, stay home if you are sick, stay out of overly crowded spaces.  You know, all the things you should do during flu season (duh!).

This is not a death sentence.  Underlying conditions are the silent killer.  And guess what?  Even when you say “they didn’t have an underlying condition”, if they were obese THAT is an underlying condition (my personal observations here, when seeing pics of those that have passed from virus that are young-ish are usually obese/overweight).

Eat your veggies!  Stop eating crap!  That will #1 put you ahead of the curve for everything.  Go outside!  Get some exercise.  Bike, work in the garden, take a walk.  Put your bare feet on the grass.

The REAL issue with this virus, the real killer, will be the economic impact.  Yeah, yeah, economics can’t outweigh lives.  Well, guess what?  When people start to get desperate (and it is already happening) suicides will go up.  Crime will go up.  Businesses will go belly-up.  People will willingly give up everything to the government to be taken care of because they are scared.  Every business is “essential”.  It provides the livelyhood to owners, employees, vendors, customers.  Business is a necessity.

I implore everyone to turn off the crap main-stream media and do a little research deeper.  I have read some interesting articles that explain how: #1 – we are fighting this incorrectly and should allow it to run it’s course and create herd immunity, because it is appearing that a lot of people have been exposed/are carriers and are not showing any signs, #2 – we are treating incorrectly by using ventilators, and to be sure to be taking your Zinc and Vitamin C to beef up your own immune system, and #3 – we ARE killing our own economy which will not recover if we are forced to “stay home” for an indefinite amount of time.

Also, if you are a shamer/virtue signaler, and you are shopping online for “non-essentials” you are so so so GUILTY of being a hypocrite FYI.  Who do you think is producing, packaging, shipping and delivering what you are buying?  The Keebler Elves?  Check yo’self, before you wreck yo’self…

Arm-Chair Politics

I am in awe at the number of people with a political opinion who have come out of the woodwork over the last 3 years.  I find it amusing that hating someone so vehemently (founded or unfounded) can make people believe they are in the know on policies and how the country should be run.  These people usually have not really read The Constitution, usually don’t understand what we fought for during the Revolutionary War or the Civil War, and honestly do not understand what a Constitutional Republic means (we are NOT a democracy!).  Most of these hugely opinionated people have only a sprinkling of history knowledge, usually acquired during their years in school, without further research or thought as to who wrote that textbook and what is the agenda of the entire publicly-funded school system.  I am not putting myself out there as an expert by any means.  I do usually try to read further into topics.  I don’t take current renditions of history as the truth, and try to look further, research deeper, and try to find the real truth (which is usually a middle ground between left and right).  I know I have controversial thoughts on some “histories” that are believed to be true, but that is because I have looked past what we are spoon-fed today and have tried to think logically to come to a more commonsense thought.  I watch the mainstream news, but I am keenly aware of their choice of words to describe events that are obviously steering public opinion.  I also do not vote party-line.  Trust me, I am just as angry at Republicans as I am at Democrats, but I do lean more conservative (because I believe in personal responsibility and accountability, and that you are the captain of your own life ship and should take care of yourself and your peeps and stop asking the government to intervene, and believe these are more conservative-type beliefs).

On the happier side of this, I do believe that most people in our society really want the same things out of life.  We may not all agree on how best to get there, and we may not agree on the definition entirely of what it is we all want, but we are all members of the United States of America.  Some of us were lucky enough to have been born here; some of us decided to become a part of this society (and I am only talking about those here legally or who have become legal members of our society).  I believe if you are a member of our society, you MUST believe in the tenets of our founding: Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness.  Maybe your definition of these 3 ideals is different than mine, but we must all respect the other opinion and not call names.  I see these ideals as meaning PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY, both of which will bring you Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness.  If your definition includes pieces that infringe upon others, you really should do some soul searching (in my opinion).  As my husband says: If you make Poor Life Choices, you get Poor Life Results.  Your choices, your results.  And, yes, this can be connected to almost everything in life.  We should not expect our government to legislate that our fellow society members take care of each other.

This became a rambling bit of commentary, LOL.  But it does point out my personal frustrations with certain sects of our society at this time…


LEO – Law Enforcement Officers.  I know what this means to me, but I am often confused as to what it means to others.  LEO – someone who should enforce the law.  If you don’t want someone to enforce the law, why do you call them?  If you call them to your domestic dispute, one of you should go to jail and be prosecuted.  Don’t want this to happen?  Then be an adult and work out your own dispute without outside help.  Personal responsibility and accountability.  If you are having a mental health issue, and you call law enforcement, they are going to come and enforce the law.  If you become combative (after YOU called them), they are going to restrain you.  Again, personal responsibility and accountability.

It is so easy for everyone to say: Cop bad.  But in reality, most LEO are good people that want the best for their community (to protect and to serve).  What is “bad” is members of the community that do not take personal responsibility and are not personally accountable.

This in no way means that there are not “bad” cops.  Absolutely!  There is “bad” everywhere, even those people that are the so-called victims (a lot of times these are people who do not take personal responsibility and have never been held personally accountable).  But our society has demonized all cops, laying blame on them for every little action.  Reality check: you would not have interactions (in most instances) with LEO if you were doing the right and moral thing to begin with, duh!  I understand this is not always the case, and sometimes it is wrong place/wrong time or mistaken identity.  But really, this is not the norm, and most people should only have small interactions with LEO…

Personal responsibility and accountability.  LEO is just another tick on the scorecard of our society where there are too many whiners and not enough people putting on their “big girl panties” and taking care of themselves (ie., take YOUR meds, pay YOUR bills, feed YOUR OWN kids, etc, etc, etc).

Long Time, No Blogging

I haven’t blogged in a while.  A little over a year ago, we started the home buying process.  I am happy to say that March 26 will mark out 1-year anniversary in The Conquistador (our Pueblo-style home on a canal).  We have enjoyed working on projects trying to bring this 40-year-old home into the current century.  It’s going to be a long process, but the location is well worth it!

But the blog-drought needs to be over.

I have been following my own rule of keeping political discussion off of social media, and have begun unfollowing people who cannot observe the same rule and continue to spout half-truths and un-researched fake stories.  But, I can feel my opinions boiling over.  Time to put things down on “paper”.

So, if you care to read about my ramblings, thoughts, opinions, and general calling-out of those who are mis-informed, be sure to follow this blog.  I will post the link on social media, but ask that comments be left here, on the blog itself.

And, now we are off to the races!

I didn’t drink the kool-aid

I find it amusing the number of people I have discovered drank the Obama kool-aid…

When I “resisted” (to use their word) his presidency, I was called a racist.  Wow, so unique and intelligent.  I guess you can’t find a better word when the complaints lodged are true and founded…

But your “resisting” Trump in premature (at best).  I supported his platform as a candidate, and support that he is doing EXACTLY what he said he was going to do.  You are not resisting anything.  You are acting like a sore loser.  Political Correctness has wrecked this country.  Do I like the ways in which Trump is accomplishing things?  Not entirely, but at least he IS being transparent with his work (unlike Obama).  And I find that he is being fair and truthful and watching out for everyone, not just certain sects.

We have a President now that loves his country (unlike Obama and his wife).  We have a President that wants to bring our country back to the top (unlike Obama).  We have a President that wants to protect all AMERICANS, and give all AMERICANS a chance to live the American dream.  What is the hell is wrong with that?


Personal Responsibility – Immigration

I have been doing a lot of soul-searching lately.  Of course this past election, and the “protests” surrounding President Trump has caused this.  Why do I feel the way I do about certain topics?  Why do liberals and millennials get under my skin?  I think I may have finally found my answer: Personal Responsibility.

This is a belief I hold strongly.  It guides my decisions and my feelings towards topics, government, and people.  It is something I don’t think a lot of people even consider in our society any more.

Immigration: You broke the law.  You entered our country illegally, and then proceeded to demand government assistance for your children that you had once inside the country (again, illegally).  I do believe in immigration, but legally through the channels set forth.  Illegal immigration hurts everyone.  Did you ever consider coming here legally?  Following the rules?  Why do you think you have the right be here, illegally, and receive the benefits of our country?  I ask, because my ex-husband was a foreign national, and we followed the rules.  It was a long process, that cost money.  I had to prove support for him, and guarantee the US Government that we would not be a “burden on society”, meaning we would not accept government assistance for 10 years.  Shouldn’t I expect the same of you, as an illegal immigrant?  Don’t I have the right to demand that all assistance you receive be stopped immediately?  Shouldn’t you be held to the same standard as those how followed the rules and immigrated legally?  Shouldn’t you be personally responsible?

I guess this little post is even more poignant, based upon the Lumber 84 ad last night during the Super Bowl.  Sorry, but my blood is boiling now that I have seen the remainder of the commercial.  What is this company doing advocating illegal immigration?  And if they are not pushing illegal immigration, then their ad is totally lost on me.  We are the country of unlimited potential, of hopes and dreams.  But we must also be a country of rules.  If we don’t expect people to follow the very first law they are subject to when entering our country, then why do we have laws?  We cannot pick and choose what laws to follow.  How can we expect someone to be an upstanding citizen when they break the law from the very beginning?

Additionally, the cries of allowing foreign-national doctors, researchers, teachers, etc, should make you think deeper.  If we “need” these educated people, shouldn’t we be scrutinizing our own education system?  Why are we not producing enough people to fill these roles ourselves?  We have plenty of population.  Maybe because we worship the Kardashians, instead of researchers working to cure cancer.  Maybe because we encourage our children to become like our idols on the sports field or big screen, instead of encouraging them to learn more while in school and become the great inventor.  US companies should not be allowed to apply for visas for foreign workers when they have let the US workers go.  This is a problem.

I believe our immigration system is broken.  Law-breaking is rewarded with benefits, and following the rules is punished with being expected to take care of yourself.  Instead of fixing the causes of needing more well-trained foreign workers with better education system (which will create more high paying jobs), we have low-wage workers crying they deserve to be paid more for minimum wage jobs.  So much is broken, and it does take a hard reset sometimes to fix these things.

We can have fair and legal immigration again in our country, where the immigrants are expected to take personal responsibility for their lives, the lives of their children, and their actions.  We must all come to accept that there are serious issues, and in order to continue as a sovereign nation, we must plug the holes and expect applicants to follow the process, and show their real desire to be here, legally, and be a productive member of our society.



When I saw this hashtag, #notmymarch, I thought ‘cool, that’s how I feel.’  I am embarrassed by the “ladies” that marched last Saturday, in their pink vagina costumes.  I was confused about what they were marching for, what they were protesting, what the problem is now that Trump has been sworn in as POTUS.  Now, it seems some of these marchers are offering explanations.

Basically, no matter how the rest of us feel, we are not equal to men for so many reasons and they are demonstrating in regards to this.  OK, so this isn’t anything new.  Why now?  Seems to me you could have protested at any point, in any year, since you have come to this realization.  Just another attempt to discredit Trump.  And it is sad, and it is already O-L-D.

And, news flash, I don’t believe we are “equal” to men.  And I don’t mean this in a bad way.  Women still hold the mystery and honor of childbearing.  We are caregivers.  We are the educators, the carriers of knowledge.  We are compassion, and strength.  We are the ying to the yang of men.  Without one, you cannot have the other.  Why is is wrong to celebrate our differences?  I understand that so many feel the need to be treated the same as men (better, really).

I am just saddened and tired of all the negativity from the left.  Can we all just give this thing a try?  Maybe it gets better.  Maybe it stays the same.  I don’t believe it can get worse (without direct interference from the globalist elites).

AND…  It absolutely amazed me the hypocrisy of this fight over abortion.  I absolutely 100% believe in a woman’s right to choose.  But, I also believe it takes two to tango.  My thoughts do not relate to married couples, since the courts and laws are there for those folks.  If you, as a woman, can CHOOSE to keep a baby, and rope in the father financially for 18+ years, I also believe the father has every right to have a say in this and should be able to ask you for an abortion.  You cannot have it both ways.  Sorry, ladies, you can’t.  If you choose to go against the wishes of the father, then you should not be able to collect child support nor social welfare benefits (again, this does not relate to children of married couples).  I wholeheartedly believe that if we remove the almost automatic child support and the ability to receive government assistance, we would all be amazed at the sudden personal responsibility with the use of birth control.  And that is what it comes down to, personal responsibility by all sides and all persons.

Where were you?

To all the “protestors” of President Trump:

You say you are protesting for the rights of women, for the rights of the LGBTQ community, for the for the rights of all races, and on and on…

Where were you over the last 8 years?  Where were you while former President Obama was causing a rift in our country, dividing us by race, sexual orientation, religion?  Where were you when he continued warmongering in the Middle East?  Where were you when this failed healthcare law was rammed down our throats?  And on and on…

And where were you the 8 years before that?  Where were you when Bush pushed us into war?  Where were you after the 9/11 terror attacks?  Where were you when the Patriot Act was passed?  Where were you after Hurricane Katrina?

And, where were you the 8 years before that?  Where were you when Clinton signed NAFTA?  Where were you during his impeachment trial and all the reasons he was being impeached?

Where have you been?  You have had numerous times where protesting would have been appropriate and welcomed over the previous 3 Presidencies.  But, instead, you have only become activated since the media has told you to, since they have continued to say just how bad President Trump will be.  Unfortunately, that makes you look ill-informed and like a useful idiot.  I support productive protesting, but I also ask that the protests be founded.  Until Trump actually does any of the things you fear, you just look silly.